Industry Planning – Production process

Direct Planning Industry lets you describe your production ranges by creating links between jobs scheduled on various machines. Ranges may be simple, linear ranges or complex ranges (several incoming or outgoing links on a job).

Direct Planning Industry - A production order: a succession of jobs linked with precedence constraints

Direct Planning Industry – A production order: a succession of jobs linked with precedence constraints

Watch the video below to learn more about production ranges:

Kinds of links

Links between jobs are end-to-start links, that may be of severalkinds:

  • Classical link: target job can only start when source job is over.
  • Link with overlapping: target job can start before source job is over.
  • Link with shifting: target job can only start after the source job has finished for some time (drying time, transit time, etc.).
Direct Planning Industry: Entry of a link with job overlapping

Direct Planning Industry: Entry of a link with job overlapping

Modeling sub-contracting

Using the Links with shifting, together with milestone jobs, enable modeling sub-contracting in the schedule. To model a return from sub-contracting, an earliest start date may also be used.

Industry Planning Features